Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Continuing to Discover New Ways to Create

After hearing my critique group member Jennifer's exuberant report on conferences she attended  this year and the tidbits she keeps sharing, I've decided I need to mark my calendar for the 2011 WW conference next August.  I attended it two years ago for the first time and found it to be one of the best.  When I think that I can attend this conference and save on airfare, lodging, etc. it just makes so much sense.

Another great conference, of course, is the SCBWI-OR spring converence right here in town.  We're given so many choices while there; it's good that we can share what we learn from the sessions that we missed.  Now I need to create my own version of Where I'm From thanks to Jennifer.  Perhaps you also would like to give it a try.  If so, go to http://www.heathervogelfrederick.com/ and check it out.


  1. ok - so I need some advice on reengaging my writing voice. For a person who used to write as my primary communication vehicle I find that my writing voiced has been silenced. I've tried several times to start my "op-ed" and have no success. I have so many words in my head but when it comes time to put them on paper my brain - or fingers - or some circuit in between freezes. So, what words of creative wisdom do you have for unleashing those words that once flowed so freely?

  2. I think I'll be going to both of these conferences too :)

  3. Ande,
    Better late than never. You may want to read Heather Seller's Page After Page to get you back in writing mode. She's the one whose book, You Don't Look Like Anyone I know, I recommended recently. I know Anne Lamott is one of your favorites and you've probably already read Bird by Bird. If not, check it out. Just some inspiration and exercises to keep your creative juices flowing.
