Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Critique Group

After our critique group numbers dwindled to three, we began sending out feelers for new members.  Roz and I attended an event at one of the WW Writers' House events and, thanks mainly to Roz's efforts, we have doubled our number once more.  Welcome Susan, Cate, and Louise.  We are now preparing for a combination meeting/holiday celebration, YUM!  I love hearing about what others are working on and listening to them read from their work.  Thanks for hosting, Kim.

I'm also starting to see more of the benefits of being involved in the writing community's events.  After attending Cynthia's pitching class where I practice pitched Born to Sing, I was approached by two other attendees at the WW conference who expressed their support for my writing. They said they really enjoyed my pitch and wanted to read the book.  Hopefully, that will be possible in the very near future.

A few weeks later, I was on my way to see Hugo at the Living Room Theater downtown when I encountered a couple walking there to see the same movie.  The woman said, "You look very familiar but I can't remember where I've seen you before."  I mentioned that I'd recently volunteered at Wordstock, but she said she hadn't made it to Wordstock this year.  I mentioned that I'd recently attended the NW Veg Compassionate Thanksgiving Feast and she said, "No, I wasn't there."  Then, she asked if I attended WW events and Bingo!  I have a feeling she may have been in the same pitching class.  It was a large class and hard to remember all who were there but eventually our paths are bound to cross again.

Speaking of Wordstock, I'm looking forward to their upcoming volunteer party and definitely to next year's event.

In the meantime, I'm headed for the Oregon Coast and looking forward to finding even more inspiration for my writing.

Happy Holidays and Happy Writing.  May 2012 bring us all "glad tidings".
