I recently attended the SCBWI-OR Summer Picnic. The guest speaker this year was Dale Basye author of Heck, Where the Bad Kids Go. His presentation was very informative and entertaining.
As usual, attendees were encouraged to share helpful tips and I would like to pass some of these on:
Alexa.com to check traffic on websites & blogs
EditCentral.com for checking text/reading level
Writing for Children Course through PCC. Teacher: Marianne Monson
Writing Picture Books" by Ann Whitford Paul.
The book, "It's a Bunny Eat Bunny World." (author name not given but I believe it's Olga Litowinsky)
It's going to be a busy summer, but I'm trying to set time aside for writing as I've got three projects going at once. I am currently preparing to attend the pitching class offered by Cynthia Whitcomb and hope to pitch two of these novels at the upcoming Willamette Writers Conference. Hope to see you there.