Friday, December 24, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Continuing to Discover New Ways to Create

After hearing my critique group member Jennifer's exuberant report on conferences she attended  this year and the tidbits she keeps sharing, I've decided I need to mark my calendar for the 2011 WW conference next August.  I attended it two years ago for the first time and found it to be one of the best.  When I think that I can attend this conference and save on airfare, lodging, etc. it just makes so much sense.

Another great conference, of course, is the SCBWI-OR spring converence right here in town.  We're given so many choices while there; it's good that we can share what we learn from the sessions that we missed.  Now I need to create my own version of Where I'm From thanks to Jennifer.  Perhaps you also would like to give it a try.  If so, go to and check it out.

Friday, September 24, 2010


One follower and two followees (?) - Many more to go.  Still learning to navigate.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~ Toni Morrison

Setting up my own blog is a BIG deal for me – so what took me so long?  Well, all I can say is that I had to tear myself away from reading and writing long enough to just do it.  

The idea that I should write my own stories never occurred to me until I attended a Tish Hinojosa concert in Davis, California.  Tish sang some traditional Mexican and Tex-Mex songs that brought back fond memories of my life in the Rio Grande Valley.  She also performed some of her own compositions.  After the concert, I realized that I, too, wanted to explore my own creativity (Thanks, Tish).

I like Toni Morrison's advice and am attempting to follow it.   
